Postpartum Elevated
CommunityA home to connect and create community among those who are enrolled in Postpartum Elevated.
Made to Give Life
CourseIn this free minicourse you will gain perspective on the heart of the full online course, "Postpartum Elevated". Postpartum Elevated is intended to walk mothers (new or seasoned) through changes that occur postpartum and guide them to healing.
Postpartum Elevated - Bonus Section
CourseThis is an added bonus to Postpartum Elevated course including information on pelvic organ prolapse, scar mobilization, return to running guidelines and information on scheduling a 30 minute one-on-one consultation with me(all together a $240 value)!
Postpartum Elevated
CourseAn extensive online course created to bridge the gap between women recieving postpartum rehabilitation and walk them through healing in the postpartum period and beyond.